


Samstag, 23.02.2019

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ab 13:30 Simulator-Session

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Liste der zur Verfügung stehenden Kasuistiken am Schallware Simulator für hands-on Training mit Puppe und Dummy-Sonde

Rote Balken entsprechen schallbare Aufnahmevolumen. Pfeile zeigen interkostale Fächer-Volumen (fans) an.
Fälle wurden zum Beispiel mit Konvex-, Linearsonde und im Farbdopplermodus zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten aufgezeichnet. Unter Details finden Sie eine Liste von Bildern, die die Regions of Interest (ROIs) des Falles anzeigen. Der Simulator kann Sie zu einer solchen Struktur (ROI) automatisch führen (bubble in space).

Case 10526w, AVSD, Right Stomach, Azygos continuationconvexDetails
Case 11924w, Vasa praevia, Placenta bipartitacolorDetails
Case 9218w and 22w, Placenta previa and Placenta bipartitaconvex, vaginalDetails
Case 1929w, Noticeable umbilical cord knotcolorDetails
Case 11320w, MCDA TwinsconvexDetails
Case 2317w, 12-fold pregnancy with several dead foeticonvexDetails
Case 5420w, Dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancyconvexDetails
Case 9532w, Fetal ovarian cystconvexDetails
Case 11020w, Kidney akinesiaconvexDetails
Case 8822w, Pelvic kidney, DD, Crossed fused renal ectopiaconvexDetails
Case 5028w, Bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney disease MCDKconvexDetails
Case 4629w, Hydronephrosis, Right UrinomaconvexDetails
Case 4524w, Left UrinomaconvexDetails
Case 4417w, Hygroma colli, HydrothoraxconvexDetails
Case 919w, Leftsided Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease convexDetails
Case 8121w, Dysmelia left handconvexDetails
Case 7820w, Thanatophoric dysplasiaconvexDetails
Case 3921w, Pes equinovarus of both feetconvexDetails
Case 3216w, Arthrogryposis multiplex congenitaconvexDetails
Case 2233w, Free abdominal fluid among liver and ribs due to tachycardiaconvexDetails
Case 4832w, Duodenal atresia, PolyhydramniosconvexDetails
Case 5531w, MegacolonconvexDetails
Case 3825w, GastrochisisconvexDetails
FH 1124w aortopulmonary transposition (maybe VSD and overriding pulmonary artery) convexDetails
FH 621w right aortic archconvexDetails
FH 12abnormalconvexDetails
FH 1022w muscular ventricular defectconvexDetails
FH 923w hypoplastic left heart syndromeconvexDetails
FH 4convexDetails
Case 2718w, Vanished hygroma colliconvexDetails
Case 3124w, DORV (double outlet right ventricle)convexDetails
Case 8027w, CDH left (Congenital Diaphragm Hernia)convexDetails
FH 824w congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the fetal lung, normal fetal heartconvexDetails
Case 3427w, Diaphragmatic herniaconvexDetails
Case 11822w, Trisomy 21, Tetralogy of Fallot, Prenasal thickness (PNT), Brachicephaly, Prenasal edema, Choroid plexus cystconvexDetails
Case 6819w, Ventriculomegaly, HydrocephalusconvexDetails
Case 2012w, Gastroschisis, Dandy Walker complex, Club feet of both legsconvexDetails
Case 3019w, Mega cisterna magna septaconvexDetails
Case 4335w, VentriculomegalyconvexDetails

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